Don’t know what to post on your Instagram Stories to sell? Start here.

Meet Sell With Stories: the game-changing Instagram Stories course that will teach you how to sell every time you show up on Instagram Stories — even if you never want to show your face.

You know you *should* be posting  Instagram Stories for your business... but you keep putting them on the back-burner. And for good reason.

You have some ideas. But if you had to describe your Instagram Story Strategy, it’d be "kinda making it up as I go along."

Because here’s the problem:

You don’t really know what to post.

Let’s just say the idea of recording a video of yourself talking to the camera or posting a selfie makes you cringe.

You’re not *super comfy* on camera.

Most days, finding 30 minutes to post Stories feels like the absolute last priority for your business.

And you’re really freaking BUSY.

And even when you *do* post
Stories, they rarely — if ever — lead to sales.

…But what if posting stories was worth every minute of your time and more?

→ What if every time you posted a story you got a DM from a lead?

→ What if every time you posted a story you could make $100, or $1,000, or $10,000?

→ And what if you didn’t need to post daily Stories or even show your face to do it?

We're Madison & Haley, the copywriters behind Maha Copy Co.

hey there!

We make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from Instagram Stories, and here's the best part:

We don’t show up every day.
(We show up 2 times a week on average. Often less.)

We rarely talk about our personal lives.
(You'll never find us taking photos on vacation “for the content”.)

And we don’t show our faces 95% of the time.
(In the past 2.5 years, we’ve only posted Stories where we’re talking directly to the camera three times.)

Because we don't NEED to do those things to sell.
And you don't either. 

You don't need to be comfortable on camera, have 1k+ followers, or have "influencer energy" to sell on Instagram Stories.

We know this is going to sound WILD — but if you want to sell on Stories, you need to learn how to sell. It's as simple as that.

Because Instagram Stories are a form of MARKETING! And that's not an innate skill you're born with. You don't need to be extroverted or funny or stylish to have success on Stories. You just need to learn the skill!

Think of it like this: You’d never expect to be "a natural" at filing your business taxes. So why do you expect to be a natural at selling on your Instagram Stories? 

If you feel uncomfortable, unnatural, or inauthentic selling on Stories, it's a sign you need to up your sales skills.

Skillful selling on IG Stories does NOT look like...

Feeling pressure to post Stories daily, because “consistency is the key to selling” (psst: it’s not!)

Posting Stories from your everyday life — like photos of your lunch, your workout, or your pet — because you want to "connect" with your audience

Buying resources with hundreds of “Story Ideas” — none of which have anything to do with selling (like “post your to-do list for the day”)

Waiting until someone mentions you in a post or Story so you can repost it with a comment like “Love my clients!”

Feeling excited to post Stories because you know when you post you'll make sales

Knowing what your audience wants to see and how to sell authentically, without ever sounding "pushy"

Having ENDLESS ideas for Stories you can post and feeling confident about them, instead of anxious and insecure

Getting replies to your Stories from people saying "I've been thinking about buying for awhile but this story convinced me!", like this:

It looks like...

(We get messages like these ALL THE TIME. )

The truth is Instagram Stories are where your hottest leads are hanging out. If you're not selling to them, you're missing out.

Here's why Instagram Stories are your best opportunity to sell:

1. Your stories are chock-full of people who are already following you, which means they're already interested in what you’re doing and they want to see more. (That's true even if you have less than 500 followers or have never posted a Story before!)

2. People aren't just "hanging out" on Stories. They're SHOPPING. 

Just look at the numbers.

of people use Instagram Stories to discover new products


of Instagram users have visited a website to buy a product or sign up for a service after seeing it in Stories



of people are more interested in a brand or product after seeing it on someone’s Stories

Stories are the ideal place to nurture your audience and get people excited to buy your offers. They're where you turn your followers into loyal fans and customers.

"But how do I sell without annoying my followers? I don't want to sound salesy!"

We get it. It can feel intimidating — even EMBARRASSING — to sell your offers. Nobody wants to be the pushy salesperson! But you don't need to convince or push people to want what you're offering in your Stories. 

You need to learn how to NURTURE your audience and sell NATURALLY, in a way that's FUN and ENGAGING for your Story viewers and easy and authentic for you.

And that’s what we’re showing you how to do.

I just finished Module 3... I got the most views I've gotten in a very long time. Almost 500 views on my stories and my account is only at 1,300 followers. I also got the most engagement I've ever gotten.


I'm only on Module 2 and I've already received way more value than I have spending thousands of dollars on "biz coaches." My favorite part is that you're not regurgitating someone else's information. It's literally gold.


This course is so much more than just Instagram Stories... it's a storytelling formula that can be applied to the whole sales strategy.


By Maha Copy Co.


This is the Instagram Story course you’ve been waiting for: a zero-fluff course + IG Story template pack that will teach you how to sell naturally and authentically on Instagram Stories — even if you’re camera shy, you don't have a big following, or you’ve never posted a Story before — and make Story creation faster than ever.


What's inside:

Lesson 1: Welcome to Sell With Stories

Lesson 2: What to Post on Your Instagram Stories vs. Feed

An *Actually Worthwhile* Introduction (Don’t Skip!)

Module 01


In this module, we explain what's ahead of you in Sell With Stories. Plus, we'll explain the difference between your Instagram Stories and your Instagram feed — and what to do with them! 

Lesson 1: How To Sell Like a Natural 

Lesson 2: How to Sell Like An Influencer (aka: The IRL Sell)

What to Post on Your Instagram Stories to Sell

Module 02


This is the STRATEGY module! After watching this module, you'll never wonder "But what do I even post?" again. We'll teach you how to come up with ENDLESS ideas for Stories that sell naturally. (Lessons 3 and 4 will blow your mind.)

Lesson 3: How to Sell To Your Audience (aka: The Strategic Sell)

Lesson 4: How to Find Endless Stories to Tell

Lesson 1: The Storytell & Sell Formula

Lesson 2: How to Hook People In

How to Write Stories Like a Copywriter

Module 03


Last Friday, my friend cancelled a date so she could stay home binge-watching Nobody Wants This — for 5 hours straight! People don't have short attention spans. You just need to know how to get their attention and keep it. That's what this module will teach you to do!

Lesson 3: The Essentials of a Bingeworthy Story

Lesson 4: How to Tie It All Together

Lesson 5: How to Nail the Sale

Lesson 1: How to Sell Without Sounding Salesy

Lesson 2: 7 Unethical Sales Tactics to Avoid

How to Sell (Without Sounding Salesy!)

Module 04


If sounding salesy is your worst need this module. We'll teach you how you can makes sales EVERY SINGLE DAY without sounding like a pushy salesperson. Plus: the only ~money mindset~ lesson you'll ever need.

Lesson 3: The Perfect Balance Between Selling and Getting Personal

Lesson 1:  All the IG Story Analytics You Need To Know

Lesson 2: How to Increase Your Story Views

How to Increase Story Views & Engagement

Module 05


How many stories should you be posting a day? And is it better to post all at once, or space them out throughout the day? And how can you increase Story views? In this module, you'll learn how to use the IG Story algorithm to your advantage. 

Lesson 3: How To Get More Engagement on Your Stories

Lesson 1:  How to Post an IG Story Demo (For Beginners!)

Lesson 2: How To Design Stories to Keep People Reading

How To Design High-Selling IG Stories Fast

Module 06


The good news is you don't need to be a pro designer to create high-selling IG Stories. In fact, stories that LOOK imperfect convert more! In this module, we're not teaching you how to design "beautiful" Stories — we're teaching you how to design Stories FASTER, and how to make them grab attention.

Lesson 3: 20 Time-Saving IG Story Design Hacks

Lesson 1:  Behind-The-Scenes of Creating a Story

Create an IG Story With Maha Copy Co.

Module 07


Join us behind-the-scenes as we create an Instagram Story sequence! You'll get to watch us take a story from idea to the final product, and see our thought process in action as we write, edit, and design! 


Module 08

In this BONUS module, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get about Instagram Stories, including: 

Question 1: How do I start if I've never posted a Story before?

Question 2: How do I sell without showing my face?

Question 3: My life is boring. What should I post?

Question 4: What if I'm not getting the right audience on Stories?

Question 5: How do I avoid being repetitive?

Question 6: What should I put in my Story highlights?

Question 7: How do I plan ahead?

Question 8: How do I sell multiple offers in Stories?

Question 9: How should I sell during a launch vs. outside a launch?

How do I start if I've never posted a Story before?

How do I sell without showing my face?

My life is boring. What do I post?

What if I'm not getting the right audience on Stories?

How do I avoid being repetitive?

What should I put in my Story highlights?

How do I plan ahead?

How do I sell multiple offers on Stories?

How should I sell during a launch vs. outside a launch?

Welcome to Sell With Stories

What to Post on Your Instagram Stories vs. Feed

How To Sell Like a Natural 

How to Sell Like An Influencer (aka: The IRL Sell)

How to Sell To Your Audience (aka: The Strategic Sell)

How to Find Endless Stories to Tell

The Storytell & Sell Formula

How to Hook People In

The Essentials of a Bingeworthy Story

How to Tie It All Together

How to Nail the Sale

How to Sell Without Sounding Salesy

7 Unethical Sales Tactics to Avoid

The Perfect Balance Between Selling and Getting Personal

All the IG Story Analytics You Need To Know

How to Increase Your Instagram Story Views

How To Get More Engagement on Your Stories

How to Post an IG Story Demo (For Beginners!)

How To Design Stories to Keep People Reading

20 Time-Saving IG Story Design Hacks

Behind-The-Scenes of Creating a Story

But Sell With Stories isn’t just educational.

It also comes with TONS of resources to help you create high-selling stories faster than ever.

What's inside:

70 Storytell & Sell Sequences (With Examples)

200 Compelling IG Story Hook Prompts

200 Poll, Question Box, & Quiz Questions

Endless Stories Planner

Powerful Message Mapping Downloadable

Quick Win Daily Story Ideas

to help you put your high-selling story ideas into action faster

with 2 examples for every prompt so you can see them in action

plug-and-play prompts for audience engagement and to inspire story creation

to find your Problem Personas and do the pre-work of finding endless stories to tell

so you can brainstorm tons of Instagram Story ideas in bulk, and then post for months without wondering “What should I post?”

31 quick and easy story sequences to post when you don't have much time or energy

Gif Keyword Bank

with specific keywords you can use to find fun and relatable gifs for your Stories

And on top of that, you'll also get Instagram Story Canva Templates, to help you design stories faster when you’re prepping them outside of the app.

You'll find over 40 starter template slides to give you a MAJOR head start when you're designing.

You can change the photos, colors, fonts, and text to customize the templates for your brand.

Read what sell with stories students are saying

It all adds up to one super high-value course. But don't just take it from us.

Read what sell with stories students are saying

It all adds up to one super high-value course. But don't just take it from us.

The strategy in this course is NOT  “take what’s happening in your daily life and tie it to your offers.”

Like…what does that actually look like in practice for YOU?

And just to be clear —

It's totally unactionable.

What if your day-to-day life feels pretty uneventful?

It doesn’t work every day.

What if you don’t want to share your personal life? What if you don’t even want to show your face?

It doesn’t work for every person.

For the record, we've seen courses charge $1000+ for that super vague advice. And, well, DUH. You see influencers do that all the time. But the problem with that advice is…

What if you’re selling a product or service that has ZERO connection to your life whatsoever?

And it doesn’t work for every business.

But most of all, you don't need to WAIT for something exciting or relevant to happen in your life to create stories that sell.

You need to learn how to create stories that will HOOK your audience in even on your most boring, uneventful days. 

…So what’s the investment?

Sell With Stories Course Modules..................................

Powerful Message Mapping..............................................

Endless Stories Planner..................................................

200 Instagram Story Hook Prompts.................................

70 Storytell & Sell Sequences........................................

200 poll, Question Box, & Quiz Questions........................

You can get instant access to 
Sell With Stories today for $899







Payment plans available at checkout starting from $225

Sell With Stories Course Modules

Powerful Message Mapping

Endless Stories Planner

200 Instagram Story Hook Prompts

70 Storytell & Sell Sequences

200 Plug-and-play Poll, Question Box, & Quiz Questions

Gif Keyword Bank...............................................................

Quick Win Daily Story Ideas...............................................



Total: $2697

Gif Keyword Bank

Quick Win Daily Story Ideas

You can get instant access to Sell With Stories today for $899

IG Story Canva Templates.................................................


IG Story Canva Templates


4 payments of


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→ How do I make selling feel authentic to me?
→ How do I make stories fun even when my life is boring? 
→ What’s the right balance between talking about my offers and my life? 
→ How do I find time to post Stories? 
→ How can I speed up the creation process?
→ How can I sell without showing my face?
→ How do I hook people in?
→ How do I avoid sounding repetitive?
→ Is it better to post 6 stories all at once, or throughout the day?
→ How can I increase engagement and reach?
→ How should I deal with low reach, or reach falling from story to story?
→ How do I increase conversions and link clicks?
→ How should my stories differ from my feed content?
→ What should I post on Stories during a launch versus day-to-day?
→ And if I’ve never posted a story before, where should I even start?!

Questions like:

Sell with Stories will answer all of your questions about how to sell naturally and more.

How do I make selling feel authentic to me?

How do I make stories fun even when my life is boring? 

What’s the right balance between talking about my offers and my life? 

How do I find time to post Stories? 

How can I speed up the creation process?

How can I sell without showing my face?

How do I hook people in?

How do I avoid sounding repetitive?

Is it better to post 6 stories all at once, or throughout the day?

How can I increase engagement and reach?

How should I deal with low reach, or reach falling from story to story?

How do I increase conversions and link clicks?

How should my stories differ from my feed content?

What should I post on Stories during a launch versus day-to-day?

And if I’ve never posted a story before, where should I even start?!

Course creators
Content creators
Social media managers
Virtual assistants
Business coaches
Fitness coaches
Mobility coaches
Relationship coaches
Mindset coaches
Wellness coaches
Parenting coaches
Meditation coaches
Food bloggers
Web designers
Interior designers
Product designers

Hair stylists
Nail artists
Brow artists
Makeup artists
Tattoo artists
Art instructors
Music instructors
Authors / Writers
Pinterest marketers
Video editors
Podcast hosts
Baby sleep coaches

Family therapists
Sex therapists
Massage therapists
Skin care specialists
Picky eating coaches
Mom influencers
Financial consultants
Dog walkers / trainers
Pet sitters
Real estate agents
Yoga teachers
Tarot readers
& more!

We know what you’re thinking.
“But will this work for my business?”

The sales strategies and writing formulas we teach in Sell With Stories will work for any service-based or product-based business, including:

If you’re not sure if Sell With Stories would work for your business, send us a DM! We’ll take a look at your business and give you our best recommendation.

Still have questions?
Ask away.

Don’t worry! We’ll show you how it’s done. In Module 6, Lesson 1 we walk you through how to post a story. You don't need any beginner knowledge prior to the course.

Sell With Stories will teach you how to increase your story views over time, but more importantly, it will teach you how to convert the views you DO have into sales! Don’t discount a single follower. You don’t need 10k, 50k, or 100k followers to start selling! Even if you have a few hundred followers, this course will be beneficial to you.

That said, if you want to learn how to grow a following on Instagram (without posting reels every day or waiting for a post to *go viral*), check out our masterclass Instagram Content Mastery! In that masterclass, we’ll teach you how to create content on your IG feed that will get more people hitting “Follow.”

It will take about 6 hours to complete all of the videos in the course. Every video also comes with a written transcript. It's self-paced, so you can complete the course in a day, or take your time with it. There's a lot of information to digest!

You will get access to all of the course content and downloadables immediately after purchasing! You’ll be asked to create a Thrivecart account where you can access all of the content, and revisit the course whenever you want to.

Forever! If we ever add to the course in the future, you’ll also receive the updated version.

Yes, we offer payment plans! You can choose to split your payment into 2, 3 or 4 monthly payments (so each payment is $450, $300, or $225, respectively). If you have a discount code, the discount will be applied to all recurring payments! If you're interested in more payment plan options, DM us @mahacopyco!

Yes! If you join our email list, you’ll get a 10% discount code you can use on your first purchase in the Maha Copy Shop. We also offer discounts for the following communities: BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, teachers, the disabled community, and for countries with astronomical exchange rates. DM us @mahacopyco for a personalized discount code if any of those circumstances apply to you.

Due to the nature of digital products (meaning: since you can’t *actually* return it), we don’t offer refunds. If you’re not sure if the course will apply to your business, reach out to us on IG and we’ll let you know if it will work for you!

More love for
Sell With Stories

It’s totally possible to feel confident and authentic selling on Stories.
We’ll show you how.

Stop making Instagram Stories an afterthought, and start making them the most profitable thing you do for your business.

But really…could this BE any more of a no-brainer?


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