A prompt-packed workbook to help you write EVERY WORD of your website in three days flat

The Write your site workbook



We took our bestselling website copywriting strategy, and made it PLUG-AND-PLAY! With over 300 writing prompts and 200 examples, this workbook makes DIYing strategic website copy EASIER (AND FASTER!) THAN EVER. It's as close to hiring us to write your website as it gets (and ~$4,000 less!)

The copy Strategy

Our signature copywriting strategy behind the Home, About, Services, and Contact pages of websites for service providers


300+ writing prompts (!!!) to help you write every single word of your website (literally — these aren't just sentence starters, they're full paragraphs!)


200+ examples (all written by yours truly!) to help you see the prompts in action, give you KILLER inspiration, and make writing easier!


A messaging guide to help you get crystal clear on your audience, offer, and stand-out message before you start writing

The web copy prompts doc

Every single prompt in an editable Google Doc for easy copy-&-pasting, to make the writing process as fast as freaking possible


You'll also get free bonus resources:

The easiest, fastest way to DIY website copy that stands out

What's inside?

& every write your site workbook Also comes with

The perfect place to write your site. Get our copy formula outlined in a Google Doc.

The Strategic Website Copy Outline

What's inside:

A section-by-section breakdown of the 4 pages your website needs

Lightly formatted copy to help you see the final picture and write with ease

Stand-in placing for every headline, subheading, body copy, button, and more to make using prompts in the workbook super easy


To be clear: this isn't a fill-in-the-blank template that makes everyone sound the same. Hell nah.

100 business coaches could use the workbook to write their site, and none of their websites would look the same. 

Because you won't have 1 or 2 prompt options for every section. You'll have up to 20 for every headline and paragraph.

And with our Messaging Guide, you'll have full clarity on what makes you totally one-of-a-kind.

Yeah, we made it easy. But we didn't compromise on strategy. Not one bit.

I really, really hate writing, and I'm actually enjoying the process of rewriting my site. I love how your workbook forces us to dig deeper and figure out that special detail that will make our audience be like "Yup, that's for me!" So a huge thank you for this awesome resource!

-  Martine

It’s so easy to see how much time, effort, and care you put into the workbook. I’ve not come across anything like it before and doubt I ever will, especially to this degree of care!

I only glanced at the outline and the prompts and I can see that it’s going to make writing ridiculously convenient.

The Write Your Site Workbook gave me such good inspiration and actually helped me deepen my brand voice while writing.

-  Gurpreet

-  Nazreen

-  Nora

Can I just say, you are AMAZING! I’ve recently worked with a copywriter who missed the mark with my copy, and it was really disheartening to say the least. I just bought The Write Your Site Workbook and I’m just in shock at how easy you’ve made such a tough process (I’m a designer and words don’t come easy to me). Thank you so much for this workbook, it’s so much easier, more fun, and I’m so excited about my website copy and all the content ideas that are brewing because of it!! Thank you!

I’ve been reading through the PDF and the information so far has been VALUEABLE! And I mean when I read through JUST the MENU SECTION! It’s all of those small tricks people leave out that makes a huge difference. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously!

I used your Write Your Site Workbook for my own website as I was kinda stuck with words in my native language (German). I didn’t necessarily translate your sentences word for word, but it gave me perfect inspiration and also helped me to get more creative in my own language. And BTW — I am a copywriter and brand strategist myself. Big thank you!

See what service providers are sayin’

MAHA Copywriting Strategy.........................................

300+ Writing prompts..................................................

200+ Examples written by maha.................................

The Write Your Site Messaging Guide..........................

The Web Copy Prompts Doc..........................................

The Strategic Website Copy Outline...........................

It all adds up to the most value-packed resource we've ever created, hands down.


$3500 Value

$1500 value

$49 value


$99 value

How valuable, exactly? We charge $4500 to write these 4 pages in our VIP Website Package. This is the same exact copy strategy we'd use if we were writing for you — just $3900 less.

MAHA Copywriting Strategy

300+ Writing prompts

200+ Examples written by maha

The Write Your Site Messaging Guide

The Web Copy Prompts Doc

The Strategic Website Copy Outline

You'll get

And if it feels like we're giving away our full copy strategy? Umm...that's because we are.

But here's the thing. We're booked waaaaay out. We have hundreds of people on our waitlist. And the last time we opened our waitlist, we booked out an entire year in 2 weeks.

There are only 2 of us, but there are SO MANY businesses that need a bomb website ASAP. We can't write every website...but we can tell you exactly how we'd do it. And give you hundreds of writing prompts for every headline, subheading, paragraph, and button that we've tried and tested. And hundreds of examples to prove it.

Yeah, it's full of value.
That's just how we do things.


I just bought The Write Your Site Workbook and I love it. I love how you wrote it — easy to digest and work through. The examples helped a ton!


Purchased it at 1:30 PM, by 4:30 PM my Home page and About page were 95% complete! You girls did it again. This is genius!



I’ve had time now to read the entire Write Your Site Workbook and here is my official review. In short, it is a marvel. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for putting it out there!

Because we *know* you're ready to...

Save thousands of dollars on a high-quality website copywriter and invest it elsewhere in your biz because your DIY copy is already BOMB

Stand out from your competitors because you've got full clarity on what makes you special and a messaging strategy to convey it!

Write high-converting copy that brings in clients and sales without sounding like a sleazy salesperson

Have clients coming to you READY TO BOOK because "You're exactly who I've been looking for!"

Spend less time answering questions from potential clients because your website already answers them all!

Sound like just the thing you need? (We knew it. That’s why we made it.)


From what we've heard, most people are able to write their website copy using the workbook within 3 days. However, it really depends on you! We've heard from people who were able to finish in 1 day, and others who took 7. Overall, you should easily be able to finish your copy within 3-7 days.

The Write Your Site Workbook will help you write the 4 pages every service provider needs — Home, About, Services, and Contact. (The Services page structure can also be used for any offer overview page, for example a Courses or Resources page!) If you also need to write a Sales Page for a signature offer or course, check out the Write Your Site Bundle. The Bundle includes our Strategic Sales Page Template, which will walk you through how to write a high-converting sales page.

Yes, the workbook is created specifically for service-based businesses. However, if you are a service provider who also offers products — e.g. a mindset coach who offers a 1-1 coaching service and also has a shop full of resources or courses — the workbook will also be perfect for you!

The prompts in the workbook are written in English, and many of the prompts are full paragraphs — they're not just sentence starters! Therefore, the workbook will have the most value in English. However, we've heard wonderful feedback from clients who bought the workbook and translated it into other languages (Dutch, German, & French primarily). So it is possible to use the workbook to write in other languages, but the writing process won't be as fast. 

Yes! We offer special discounts for anyone who identifies as BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ and for schoolteachers. You can DM us on Instagram @mahacopyco for the discount code.

It's time to write your site like a professional copywriter.

no more guessing how to use your words to sell.

browse more templates



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